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Download Flamenco for your platform here. Each download contains both Flamenco Manager and Worker. The Blender add-on can be downloaded from the Flamenco Manager web-interface after installation.

The latest version is: 3.6

What is new is described in the release changelog.

Please report any issue at projects.blender.org.

Go Experimental!

The latest experimental version is: 3.7-beta1. This version is not guaranteed to be stable, so do not run this on production systems. Or at least make a backup of your flamenco-manager.yaml and flamenco-manager.sqlite files before you venture forth.

To see what’s new, check the development changelog.

Please report any issue at projects.blender.org.

macOS “Silicon” builds

The macOS “Silicon” build does not ship with FFmpeg, because a trusted build for this architecture is not provided by the FFmpeg project. This is why Flamenco v3 did not ship macOS/ARM64 builds. As of v3.3 this architecture is included in the official Flamenco builds, but still without FFmpeg binary.

You can install FFmpeg using the ffmpeg Homebrew formula or any other method. Once installed Flamenco Worker should find it automatically. If not, place the ffmpeg executable into Flamenco’s tools directory.


Flamenco is Free and Open Source software, available under the GNU General Public License.
Download the source code at projects.blender.org.